We meet your requirements with a wide range of services.
MIT Diepholz awards the MIT Prize 2014 to Dieter Möller
Awarded the MIT honorary award 2014
The medium-sized and business association in the Diepholz district has awarded the Diepholz Entrepreneur Prize for the second time. Around 70 guests from politics, business and medium-sized businesses were represented.
Dieter Möller, the managing director of our company, was awarded the medium-sized company prize. He has strengthened and represented the values of the social market economy in an exemplary manner.
Silver medal for ARV KlimacomputerMöller GmbH receives award for innovation
Silver medal for the ARV climate controller
In the 11/18/2014 edition, the district newspaper reported on the successful course of this year's “EuroTier”.
The attached link will take you to the article.
ARV in the district newspaper
Exclusive: Möller Kompakt 2014 now online
Download our new edition of Möller Kompakt today. You will receive your copy in printed form at our booth at Eurotier 2014.
New website online
We are pleased to be able to present our new website to you in time for Eurotier 2014. We hope you enjoy browsing.
EUROTIER 2014: Silver medal for Möller
With the patented joint development "ARV - Animal Response Ventilation" by the stable climate specialist MÖLLER and the Institute for Agricultural Engineering at the University of Bonn, heat and cold stress in fattening pigs can be avoided in the future and the thermal well-being of the animals guaranteed. The Möller climate computer will be at EUROTIER 2014 this year Awarded the silver medal for innovations from the German Agricultural Society (DLG).
Open day of a calf fattening barn in Hemau
On Sunday, October 19th, 2014, the Ziegaus family will open their barn doors to view the new calf fattening barn. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 93155 Hemau in Nürnbergerstr. 52 the new calf fattening barn with space for 180 calves are open to interested farmers and the surrounding population.
The 4 ½ compartments each have space for 40 or 20 calves of different ages. Each calf has a transponder and is thus connected to the automatic feeder. The exhaust air is brought together in two central exhaust air collecting ducts in the roof space and discharged in the middle of the stable with exhaust air pipes. In the compartments there are motorized shut-off valves that only extract the necessary exhaust air from under the gaps. The fresh air enters the insulated roof space through electrically controlled blinds. From there, the fresh air reaches the animal area through a diffuse ceiling. The entire system is checked by an alarm system and in the event of a power failure, the system has an automatic emergency air control. The Ziegaus family and the companies involved in the construction are now looking forward to your visit to the “Open Day”.
Success at the Bjelovar fair in Croatia
The 13th International Autumn Fair Bjelovar is the largest event of its kind in the Croatia area. 50,000 people were interested in the almost 400 exhibitors on site. Bjelovar is an international fair that focuses on animals, economy, trade and handicrafts and offers the largest range of agricultural machines of all fairs in the Republic of Croatia. A 2,600 square meter indoor area, 1,600 square meters of semi-open space and around 25,000 square meters of outdoor area were made available for all exhibitors, events and special shows. Furthermore, the visitors were presented with a wide range of shows, animal shows and lots of local delicacies.
The international agricultural fair Bjelovar 2014, was a very good opportunity for the general public, not only in Croatia but in the entire south-east European area, the new cooperation between Dr. Goldschmidt med.vet and the Möller company.
Open day in Sudwalde
On the occasion of the completion of the new fattening barn, the Wilkens family from Sudwalde and the companies involved in building the barn invite friends, neighbors, farmers and interested visitors to an open day on Friday, August 22nd, 2014 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 'cordially. For the physical well is taken care of.
Stable description:
Exhaust air:
Supply air:
In summer, the supply air reaches the central aisle, which is open to the ridge, directly from the outside through electrically controlled louvre flaps, and in winter through also controlled flaps from the roof space. From there, the supply air flows through trickle channels suspended from the ceiling into the compartments. The air duct was guided over the ring anchor so that additional windows could be provided in the wall to the central aisle.
Alarm system:
Gleanings inauguration of the barn in Diepholz
On May 16, 2014, the Langhorst family presented their new pig fattening stable with around 1,900 final fattening places to friends, acquaintances and all other interested parties. We wish the Langhorst family all the best for the future and good luck in the new stable.
Stable description:
Exhaust air:
SPECIAL FEATURE: The exhaust air duct was planned in such a way that an exhaust air scrubber can be retrofitted in the coming years without structural changes to the ventilation system.
Alarm system:
PV system:
New solar park is being built in Devin
A photovoltaic system with 19,092 solar modules and 70 inverters is being built on a former landfill with a size of around 6.5 hectares. This system operated by Solar Devin GmbH has an output of approx. 4443 kW and could supply around 1100 households with electrical energy. The construction of the plant began on March 23rd and should be completed within 10 weeks.
Heeder Action Mile 2014
Helping with fun and joy - the Heeder action mile was originally organized for the 25th anniversary of Möller GmbH. Now the companies based there present themselves at regular intervals in the Diepholz district of Heede and donations are being collected for the Dieter family and the Margret Möller Foundation. At all participating companies you will find many great activities and exhibitions for young and old.
All activities at a glance – download the flyer for the Heeder action mile 2014.
You can find more information about the foundation here: http://www.familie-moeller-stiftung.de
Inauguration of the new delivery stable
On April 8th, the new delivery stable was officially inaugurated at the Education and Knowledge Center Boxberg (LSZ) and, in this context, handed over to the LSZ by the client, Landesbetrieb Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg.
The inauguration took place symbolically by handing over a key, which Mr. Greiner, Managing Director of Landesbetrieb Vermögen und Bau BW, Heilbronn Office, handed over to Mr. Schrade, Head of the Boxberg Education and Knowledge Center (LSZ).
Photovoltaic information event - secure your seats now!
After the great success of the previous information event, we are offering another event on March 28, 2014 with the heading "Reduction and stabilization of your electricity costs through your own electricity consumption with the new installation of a photovoltaic system". The compartments are each equipped with 12 bays for 12 animals each. The air conditioning of the barn is ensured by a fully automatic slot ventilation. We wish the Großekathöfer family all the best for the future and good luck in the new barn.
The following subject blocks are dealt with:
Venue: In our new company building "Im Fange 1, 49356 Diepholz"
From 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
We look forward to your registration by March 26, 2013
Telephone: 05441 5959-53 by fax: 05441 5959-953 by email: info@moeller.eu Participation is free. Our Ms. Oehlmann will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Photo review Stall inauguration in Langenberg
With the start-up of the new gilt rearing house, all gilts in the herd of 400 sows will now be raised on Ludger Großekathöfer's farm. The new barn with 10 compartments with 144 places each is an extension of the existing gilt rearing facility. The compartments are each equipped with 12 pens for 12 animals each. The air conditioning of the barn is ensured by a fully automatic slot ventilation. We wish the Großekathöfer family all the best for the future and good luck in the new barn.
Successful first HeLa agricultural fair in Alsfeld
On February 8th and February 9th, 2014 a new exhibition for trade visitors started in the Hessenhallen in Alsfeld. The great interest on the part of suppliers, service providers, manufacturers and processors showed the urgent need to establish an agricultural trade fair in the heart of Germany. Due to the central and easily accessible location of Alsfeld, the HeLa sees itself as a supraregional meeting point for modern, future-oriented and competitive agriculture.
The 3 halls with over 5,000 square meters of exhibition space and the large outdoor area were the platform for visitors and exhibitors to exchange the latest developments, trends and information quickly and in direct conversation. The free admission and the supporting program made HeLa 2014 a magnet for visitors for the whole family. Together with Landbau Süd we presented our company and can only report positively from the HeLa: "For the first edition of this fair we are surprised by the public traffic and look forward to being there again next time"
Impressions from the 6th Pig Expert Forum in Cloppenburg
On Tuesday, February 4th, 2014 the LWK Lower Saxony invited interested pig farmers to the 6th Pig Expert Forum in the Münsterlandhalle in Cloppenburg. Mr. Arendt Meyer zu Wehdel, President of LWK Lower Saxony, opened the lecture event and welcomed the visitors and exhibitors.
In addition to the specialist lectures on the subjects of "Animal Welfare Initiative", "The Challenge of Public Relations" and "Protection against Emissions through Exhaust Air Purification", there was the opportunity to get in touch and exchange ideas with over 80 companies that presented their products and services.
We were also available to the pig farmers with words and deeds. "A great event, we'll be there again next time," enthused Ulrich Heitlage, Managing Director of Möller.
The future is electric Batteries ensure a solar boom
New electricity storage systems make self-consumption economical. Sure, the time is over when photovoltaic systems with 30 to 100 kWp output were screwed into every pigsty, because high feed-in tariffs led to returns of ten percent and more per year. Anyone who generates electricity with their PV system today does not primarily want to sell it anymore. "It's about personal use in whatever form," says Ulrich Heitlage, managing director of the Diepholz company Möller GmbH.
The Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture reported in detail about the Möller company in the 2013 annual report of the Diepholz / Nienburg region.
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