We meet your requirements with a wide range of services.
EuroTier 2016 – a complete success
World's leading trade fair for animal husbandry professionals
From November 15 to 18, 2016, the Eurotier took place in Hanover again. At the world's largest specialist exhibition for animal husbandry and management, the company MÖLLER and 2,634 other exhibitors presented their new, proven and further developed products on an area of more than 280,000 m².
Numerous visitors from all over the world, including Dubai and Australia, showed great interest in the new control and communication unit Möller Base. With this, systems can be conveniently monitored and controlled from home or on the move.
The game “Catch the Pig”, developed by MÖLLER especially for the Eurotier, was particularly well received and attracted a lot of interest.
In conclusion, it can be said that the expectations of our colleagues in terms of quality and quantity have been exceeded and they are already looking forward to 2018.
Visit us at the next EuroTier from 13.–16. November 2018 in Hanover on the exhibition grounds.
First aid saves lives
Further training for company first aiders
In the case of accidents - not only in traffic, but also at home, during leisure time or at work – the first few minutes before the rescue service arrives often determine the severity of the consequences of the accident or even survival.
In order to react correctly in such situations, a first aid course takes place in our company every year. Theory and practice are taught so that the right help can be provided in emergency and accident situations.
Using fictitious situations from everyday life, from bicycle accidents to work-related accidents, our employees were able to apply and directly implement the knowledge they had learned.
EuroTier 2016
For the 12th time the EuroTier takes place in Hanover
On November 15th, the EuroTier, the world's largest exhibition for animal husbandry and management, will open its doors again.
Until November 18, numerous exhibitors will show their extensive range and present everything to do with products and technologies from the areas of professional animal husbandry, breeding programs, milking technology, stable construction and feeding, air conditioning and environmental technology.
This year you can find us in hall 17 booth C45.
Further information can be found on the EuroTier website.
The 458th Brockum wholesale market starts on October 29th
One of the most famous folk festivals in Northern Germany starts again
The Brockum wholesale market takes place every year. This presents itself as a successful combination of amusement market and business show. Despite the general development, the importance for agriculture has remained.
In our separate tent at the trade show, we will again present our company this year and
offer interesting information about the topics of agricultural climate and photovoltaics.
You can also find more information on the Brockumer Wholesale Market website.
The company Gleiß invites you to Uffenbach
Big barn celebration on a special occasion
For our service and installation partner Gleiß Montageservice there were two reasons to invite at the beginning of September: the 22nd company anniversary and the birthday of the company's founder Heinrich Gleiß. For this reason, invited guests celebrated long into the night on September 2nd. A delegation from the MÖLLER company also traveled to Uffenbach for the occasion to personally deliver congratulations and a present.
We wish Mr. Gleiß privately all the best and the company Gleiß Montageservice every success in the years to come and we look forward to continued successful cooperation.
Barver Landmilch welcomes many interested parties
There was a big crowd at the inauguration of the Kriesmann family. Neighbors, farmers and interested visitors were able to get an overview of the large stables in the ultra-modern "Barver Landmilch" facility, which house 1,600 cows. We at Möller have been installing several solar systems with a total output of around 1.5 MW on the new stable roofs since 2014 and 2015.
Here are some key data on dairy farming for 1,600 cows:
Open Court Day 2016
The effort has paid off - numerous interested parties flock to the country
At 72 farms in Lower Saxony, including Hof Kortenbruck and Hof Schäfer, those interested took a close look at agriculture on Sunday, June 20th, 2016 and tried out a lot for themselves. On the eleventh day of the open farm, farmers explained how agricultural machines work, where the flour for breakfast rolls comes from, how cows are milked and much more. By and large, around 350,000 people accepted the invitation from NDR 1 Lower Saxony and that of the individual farms.
The effort had also paid off for the Kortenbruck family and the Schäfer family. Many busy days and sunny hours ensured that the visitors had a beautiful Sunday.
Open day in Dinklage
The company Biochem invites you
On the occasion of the completion of the new fattening house, the owner of the Biochem company, Mr. Eckhard Thölke, invited friends, neighbors, farmers and interested visitors to an 'open day'.
Stable description:
Exhaust air:
Supply air:
The supply air is supplied via the eaves into the roof space, which is insulated on site, and via electrically controlled ceiling supply air elements into the closed feeding alleys of the compartments.
Alarm system:
System monitoring:
Product news – MÖLLER BASE
With the new MÖLLER BASE control and communication unit, your systems can now be conveniently monitored and controlled from home or on the move. Check all important settings and parameters that are issued via our digital controllers, sensors and control units and change them if the situation requires it. The easily understandable and clear user interface enables fast and uncomplicated operation of the computer-based monitoring. For use, only a network and Internet connection must be available at the site.
The MÖLLER OFFICE software developed and supplied by us for this purpose is already included in the currently available "BASE S", "BASE M" or "BASE L" packages and is of course completely free of charge for you.
MÖLLER BASE at a glance:
For further details, our specialist planners are of course also available to answer questions about the MÖLLER BASE with their experience.
Open court day – June 12th, 2016
What is it like to live in the country? And how does modern agriculture work?
Under this motto, the Landvolk Niedersachsen – Landesbauernverband eV, organized together with the rural women, the rural youth and the NDR 1 Lower Saxony on June 12, 2016 the day of the open farm. On this day, interested parties can get an insight into local agriculture on many farms in Lower Saxony from 10 a.m.
Two companies from our region will present themselves on this day:
Family Kortenbruck
In the white sand 10
49448 Brockum
Shepherd family
39th Street
27333 stoop
In order to provide the visitors with as much and expert information as possible, the Möller company will be present at both companies with a small stand and explain everything to do with air conditioning and exhaust air washers in modern stables to those interested.
We wish all businesses and their families as well as all visitors a lot of fun on this day.
Good mood at Techagro Brno
Techagro is one of the largest series of trade fairs in Central Europe and offers a 70,000 m² presentation platform for agriculture every 2 years. The latest trends and innovations could be exhibited and tested in their 20th edition from April 3rd to 7th, 2016.
For the eleventh time the company MÖLLER sro from the Czech Republic was represented at the agricultural fair in Brno. Among around 400 companies, Möller attracted a lot of attention from trade fair visitors with a 72 m² stand.
As in previous years, new customers could be won. But old friends also took the time to stop by the exhibition stand. Traditionally, Möller did not present products in the sense of production, but was able to collect points with the guests through personal discussions. Many visitors praised Möller sro for its reliable service in the area of customer service and advice.
Open stable door day in Steißlingen-Wiechs
The Schlosser family opens the doors for a new piglet rearing house with a pig fattening compartment
On February 28, 2016, the Schlosser family will open their doors in Steißlingen-Wiechs to inaugurate the piglet rearing house with pig fattening compartment built in autumn 2015. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., visitors have the opportunity to visit the stable.
Our company planned and delivered the ventilation system for the stable. The Schlosser family installed a vacuum ventilation system with surface central suction in their own assembly. The exhaust air is blown through an exhaust air collecting duct from the compartments 3m above the ridge to the outside by 3 fans in the middle of the stable.
The fresh air passes through a central supply air duct located under the inspection corridor into the ducts located under the gaps in the area of the inspection corridor and from there into the compartments. When heated, the fresh air rises through the slatted floor and further over the closed pen partition into the animal area. This supply air system uses the geothermal energy in winter and a cooling effect in summer for an optimal climate in the animal area.
There is one control device per compartment in the central aisle to control the exhaust air and supply air in the animal area. Individual settings, such as the target temperature, can be made there. The fan is controlled by a central control cabinet, which is also networked with the control devices. According to the current requirements, an exhaust air fan is then increased or decreased in the exhaust air delivery rate by a frequency converter as required. If there is a higher demand in the delivery rate, 2 fans 1 + 1 are switched to 100% as required.
The entire ventilation system is monitored by an alarm system. In this way, the Schlosser family can be informed in the event of a fault by a signal horn, a strobe light and a telephone dialer. An emergency air control system was installed in the event of a power failure. A battery opens all 24 V servomotors and the chimney effect ensures an emergency supply of fresh air.
Schoolchildren visit the Möller company as part of their career orientation
"Möller does something with pigs, right?"
Anyone who answers this or something similarly uninformed in an interview would be catapulted directly into the end, according to the technical manager of agricultural climate Horst Schierbaum. Young people who have literally grown up with smartphones, tablets or computers have every opportunity to get sufficient information on the Internet before an interview in a company that would not have existed at that time.
Last year, a project week initiated by the Graf-Friederich-Schule took place for year 11 as part of the career orientation. Over three days, the students were given an insight into our company, combined with many tips on the subject of applications and career choices.
On the one hand, the project was divided into the presentation of the Möller company, which included a factory tour and an explanation of the various professions and activities in our company.
On the other hand, there were many useful tips and help for the students on the subject of applying and job interviews. Among other things, an employment test was carried out and applications that the students had prepared themselves in advance were discussed.
The feedback from the students was positive and the three days at Möller were perceived as very informative.
RegioAgrar Bayern 2016 successfully completed
Sixth RegioAgrar with a focus on "Services of general interest in agriculture"
From February 2nd to 4th, 2016, the RegioAgrar Bayern took place in Augsburg for the sixth time. At the regional trade fair for agricultural production and management, the company MÖLLER presented its new, proven and further developed products with the support of the service support point Heinrich Gleiß from Uttenhofen, as well as 130 other exhibitors.
In conclusion, RegioAgrar Bayern can say that it was a successful trade fair for MÖLLER. Apart from the new inquiries, contact with existing customers could be maintained. Both the new building of existing customers and new customers could be discussed in a calm atmosphere.
The funding program for increasing energy efficiency in agriculture was also an issue. The service base in southern Germany in Gleiß has received a large number of addresses who would like to submit an application to the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) in the next month.
Another very important aspect of this fair is the lively communication between representatives of others
Companies. Both competitors and representatives from other areas were able to constructively discuss innovations, further developments or possible collaborations.
Promotion to increase the energy saving potential
Federal program to promote measures to increase energy efficiency in agriculture
On December 3, 2015, the Federal Government presented the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPE). One element for the implementation of this action plan is the “Federal program for the promotion of measures to increase energy efficiency in agriculture and horticulture”. It includes various measures to increase the energy saving potential.
One of these measures is the investment in advice and knowledge transfer, which aims to reduce information deficits between farmers and companies from the fields of agriculture, energy and technology providers and to find company-specific measures to increase energy-saving potential.
The other measure involves investments in durable goods in order to increase the energy efficiency of the production process of primary agricultural products.
For example, one or more investments for the replacement or retrofitting and retrofitting of individual systems or units of the following technologies are eligible for funding:
- Electric motors and drives
- Pump
- fans
- Systems for refrigeration
- heat storage
- Conversion of lighting systems to LED technology
The replacement or renewal of technical systems based on energy-saving technologies, based on the above-mentioned energy-saving concept, can also be funded.
Seventh specialist pig forum of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture
Specialist lectures and presentations of 80 companies
On February 4th, the pig specialist forum of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture will take place in the Münsterlandhalle Cloppenburg for the seventh time.
The one-day specialist event was organized by the "Animal Breeding, Animal Husbandry, Animal Experiments, Animal Health Services" department.
The Pig Expert Forum is intended to offer both pig farmers and people connected with pig farming the opportunity to exchange information and discuss current topics.
Further information can be found on the website or on the flyer of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture.
Sixth RegioAgrar in Bavaria
The sixth RegioAgrar Bavaria will take place in Augsburg from February 2nd to 4th, 2016. The RegioAgrar is a regional trade fair for agricultural production, management and trade.
This year the agricultural fair revolves around the focus "Services of general interest in agriculture", for which the company MÖLLER and 130 other exhibitors will present their new, proven and further developed products.
The range of offers at the fair is broad and includes the subject areas of animal breeding, animal feed, stable construction and technology, agricultural machinery, seeds, information technology, forestry and forestry, as well as regenerative energy.
In an emergency, we are available for you 24 hours a day.