Cooling systems


Cooling systems

We meet your requirements with a wide range of services.

High pressure humidification cooling

In the case of extreme temperatures in summer, maximum air rates are constantly being used in animal stalls. However, the house temperature cannot be reduced below the supply air temperature. As a result, the animal performances drop extremely.


The high temperatures can only be managed with cooling. Cooling means removing heat. This reduces the heat content of the air.

A simple and particularly cost-effective form of cooling for the design of the stable air conditioning can be implemented by spraying the stable air with water. The water is pushed through special nozzles at high pressure and atomized very finely. As a result, the water is immediately converted into a vaporous state of aggregation. The heat energy required for evaporation is extracted from the stable air. This process is called adiabatic cooling.


Möller has all the articles required for humidification cooling (adiabatic cooling) ready for you.


Just give us a call, we will be happy to advise you without obligation.

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