We are your team of specialists for all areas of modern electrics and electronics. Your satisfaction is always our top priority.
Regular inspections cannot be avoided due to strict legal regulations in commercial operations. Electrical systems and stationary devices must be checked at least every four years, and portable devices even every six months. In practice, however, it has been shown that the prescribed inspection obligations are often not complied with because the business owners are insufficiently informed about them. If the employers' liability insurance association then comes and demands appropriate test reports, there are usually high payments to be made. Because ignorance does not protect against liability!
Numerous specialist guild companies provide a remedy with the E-CHECK. This test procedure, introduced in 1996, is the opportunity for commercial operations to ensure that everything has been done for the perfect condition of the electrical systems and the devices connected to them. Because with the E-CHECK he has proof that all security measures have been taken to ensure the protection of employees in particular. The E-CHECK is accepted and factually recognized by the professional associations.
E-check at least every 4 years!
In an emergency, we are available for you 24 hours a day.