Energy manager


Energy manager

Together with you, we design the right system for every roof and every individual requirement. Let us advise you.

Optimal use

In the future, the interplay between energy consumption and electricity generation in your own four walls will become more intelligent, because optimal use of self-generated electricity in connection with an energy storage device is elementary for decentralized power supply based on renewable energies.

In the future, the electricity tariffs will no longer be the same for the entire day. This is due to the fact that through renewable energies there is sometimes an oversupply on the electricity exchange and, on the other hand, the electricity grid is underutilized when there is little consumption.

One speaks here of so-called smart metering. In contrast to conventional meters, the smart meter (also called intelligent electricity meter) records electricity consumption as a function of time. The electricity provider can then bill through an internet connection.

An energy manager controls the energy storage and the consumers (such as washing machines, dryers, heat pumps or heating cartridges) depending on the weather forecast, the energy demand and the electricity tariff so intelligently that the greatest possible savings are achieved and the power supply networks are relieved.

Smart metering is currently only a dream of the future, but with an energy manager, an energy store and consumer control can already be used more optimally on the basis of the weather forecasts.

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