Working principle


Working principle

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How do solar cells work?

Direct current is generated in the cells of the solar modules when light falls on them. Through the targeted introduction of foreign atoms, the so-called doping, two different layers are created in the cell. A positively (p-layer) and a negatively (n-layer) charged side are created. This creates an electric field between these two layers (pn junction), which is also referred to as a space charge zone.

If light hits the solar cell, the electrical charges are separated in the space charge zone, creating a DC voltage that is largely independent of the radiation intensity. Electrodes are then connected to the outside of the two layers. The different charges want to balance each other out again. This can then take place via a closed circuit (inverter, lamp, ...) which is connected to the electrodes. Electric current flows. The current strength and thus the electrical power is directly dependent on the irradiance.


All interconnected modules together form the solar generator. The direct current produced by the generator is fed to the inverter, which converts the generated direct current into alternating current and feeds it into the house network or the public electricity network.

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